Posts tagged ‘optimise your website’

Why You Should Optimise Your Website

When you build a new website, or even if you have an existing site, it is very important to realise that you should have a good SEO plan in mind. What is SEO? SEO (or search engine optimisation) is when you change on and off page factors on your website to make it more friendly to search engines. This means that your website will be (hopefully) ranked better in the SERPS.

The biggest mistake most people make is to ignore optimisation in the hope of being picked up anyway. Think of it this way, you are possibly competing with millions of similar web pages.  But this is the good part. Depending on your what your website is about, more often than not your competitors would have definitely not even thought of optimising the pages on their websites. If you have optimized your website, you will have a better chance of ranking for your chosen keywords. That mean more traffic and hopefully more sales!

September 4, 2008 at 8:06 am 1 comment

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